Amy Coney Barrett

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Amy Coney Barrett is a papist Supreme Court justice nominated by wicked fake Christian Donald Trump to replace communist Zionist Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Barrett has admitted she wishes to “build the kingdom of God” as a judge which means she wants to force genuine Christians to worship her false gods inclining but not limited to Mary and the Pope.

Liberals have been worried about Barrett wishing to overturn the barbaric Roe v. Wade and overturning the abominable Obamacare that had led to more deaths and the government funding of “sex change” operations even though in her confirmation hearing Barrett has admitted she does not wish to do away with Obamacare or Roe. She also got flak for saying the term “sexual preference” to note how homosexuality is indeed a choice, but once questioned about it she rolled over like a weak milquetoast liberal like Neil Gorsuch in promoting the homosexual agenda. Barrett is yet another lackluster liberal like Gorsuch or John Roberts.