Fred Rogers

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Fred McFeely Rogers (March 20, 1928 – February 27, 2003) was an American television host, liberal activist, and “minister” belonging to the liberal Presbyterian “Church” that supports same-sex “marriages,” “sex change” operations paid for by taxpayers, as well as such bogus theology as works-based salvation, national church hierarchy, and “real presence” based communion instead of the biblical symbolic understanding of the Lord’s Supper. Rogers was the host of a publicly funded television program called Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. This program showed Rogers cringeworthily interacting with kids in a way that is strongly inappropriate, and luring them in with extreme examples of “self-acceptance” which denies the sin nature that exists even in children. Rogers was also a puppeteer who often brought kids into the “land of make-believe” where he interacted with many people, including a police officer named “Officer Clemons” who was a sodomite in real life and Rogers was okay with that, as long as Clemons wasn’t going to gay bars or dating men. This was only to preserve the “Neighborhood,” as back in this time people still had godliness and shame. Rogers in one scene protested the racist tendencies of that day by washing his feet in the same kiddie pool with Clemons, who is an African American. Rogers could have made this bold statement of racial unity with an African American man who wasn’t a sodomite, and it would have been one of the few good things he did in his career.

Rogers was able to talk Congress into funding his disaster of a program in 1969. Later on, Rogers retired from this program and then passed away. He has become a false idol in the internet world, being revered by many including so-called “Christians” who think that being Christlike is being a soft spoken weirdo in a sweater vest. It’s strongly speculated that Rogers was a bisexual as well, from an interview where he said he’s found both men and women attractive. Even giving him the benefit of the doubt on the one, he still supported the sodomite Clemons.

Rogers is portrayed by leftist propaganda mouthpiece Tom Hanks in a recent movie, and it makes Rogers seem even more embarrassing given he sounds like a slightly faster talking Forrest Gump (who was autistic/mentally incapacitated) in the movie.