Baptists are the true group of Christians, originating from the ministry of Jesus Christ, where we are to baptize all believers who put their faith upon Him. Baptists believe that baptism as it is biblically understood is a symbolic act that recreates the burial and resurrection of Christ, and being buried and raised again from sin by immersion only. Baptism should only be done by those who confess that Jesus is Lord and are of at least the age of accountability and can repent of their sins and understand right from wrong. Baptists also believe in the Lord's Supper as an ordinance remembering Christ's death until He come and that this is also a symbolic memorial. True Baptists affirm the Trinity, salvation by faith alone, the King James Version of the Bible being the only valid English translation, and works not being a part of salvation.
Baptists are the original Christians, entirely separate from the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthdoxy, and Protestantism. Many Baptist groups exist, but the one truest to Christ's teachings is the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist movement.