Mahō Shōjo ni Akogarete

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Mahō Shōjo ni Akogarete (魔法少女にあこがれて; English title Gushing Over Magical Girls) is an extremely sinful wicked licentious and abhorrent Japanese animated work designed solely to appeal to the prurient interest. This work got an English Blu-ray release in the United States despite its distribution being illegal under the Comstock Act as it is patently obscene and has no true artistic value under the Miller test. This puts many people including youth in danger as its illegal distribution will lead to corruption of minds into a lustful state and thereby lead viewers to develop a reprobate mind. (Romans 1:28)

The series follows Utena Hiiragi, a 14 year old student who admires magical girls. She is fascinated with the magical girl group Tres Magia, and after observing them, is approached by a black cat-like entity, as is typical in the magical girl genre. The cat promises Utena that she will be able to become a magical girl, and she accepts the offer and is surprised when she is turned into a villain in an extremely revealing outfit. She is told her goal is to fight Tres Magia, under the syndicate Enormita, which she resists until she finds carnal satisfaction in sinful conduct.