Supplemental Sermon 3
Supplemental Sermon 3: Righteous Standards
By The Rev. Steven Roland
We as Christians are upheld to a higher standard than the world, so it is a crying shame when so-called Christians are engaging in the things of the world, especially vile things like drinking alcohol, smoking, tattoos, piercings, profanity, sinful media consumption, and all these other especially morally reprehensible things.
John 17 says to be in the world but not of the world! We need to be like Christ and uphold righteous godly standards of living! Avoid junk food, cussing, alcohol (AKA LIQUID EVIL) and smoking and other sinful things! Too many kids and youth these days are saying bad things and doing drugs and watching utterly horrid and abominable things online on the TikTok or YouTube or whatever else! Many profane things our young people are falling into, including these licentious series of animation I’ve been reviewing so that parents know what to look out for and how dangerous this stuff is and it’s not the “innocent fun” it was when I was a kid in the early 2000s! Even back then it wasn’t with wicked shows like Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon blatantly appealing to carnal desires. It’s all beyond wicked! And parents are either so lazy or uninformed of how vile and wicked this stuff really is!
Kids are being forced to read “Gender Queer” or other pro-sodomite drivel in schools and colleges and it turns them into liberal idiots! They turn from Christ and turn to Beelzebub! They hook up in high school parties and college dorms because the public school system taught them Al Gore and Paul Krugman and Bill Nye and moral relativism instead of God!
If you aren’t already HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS AND HAVE INTERNET PARENTAL BLOCKS AND PUT COVENANT EYES ON ALL THEIR DEVICES! No smartphones for kids and keep their school laptop locked up after 8pm!