Supplemental Sermon 4
Supplemental Sermon 4: Debunking Calvinism
By The Rev. Steven Roland
"And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world"- 1 John 2:2
“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”- John 3:17
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”- Romans 3:23-24
Calvinism is a major problem even in “Baptist” denominations! “reformed” Baptists or “primitive” Baptists or SBC intellectual midgets who say that they are three pointers or four pointers and it’s absolutely outrageous!!!! The toxic teachings of the evil wretched sinful nasty vicious man John Calvin who wants to SEND THE WORLD TO HELL!!!! We need to realize that we are not Protestants and don’t need to listen to these snake oil salesman Protestant preachers! We’re Baptists who are of the same faith as the apostles while Protestants broke off from the diseased tree of Rome!
Calvinism is another religious faith entirely and anyone who adheres to this toxic twisted belief system will be DAMNED TO HELL unless they accept the TRUE GOSPEL MESSAGE of Jesus Christ!
If you’re a Calvinist, why do you even go to church or worship God? If I was one, I’d be sitting in my underwear on Sunday mornings eating Bon Bons and watching old reruns of I Love Lucy and Andy Griffith! If everything is predetermined and God already chose an elect, what’s the point of spreading the Gospel? It’s like the card game of War- the outcome is already predetermined when you cut the deck! That’s how Calvinists see salvation so what’s even the point of doing anything if our work doesn’t result in anything changing the outcome? It’s demented and vile sewage! It’s just like War- you can’t do a darn thing to influence the outcome so why even bother? See how sick this is? Salvation is a free choice to make or not, not some predetermined outcome and God already decided it!!!
Brother, you have agency over your life and you can choose to accept Christ as your Lord and savior out of your sincere heart and own desire. Don’t let anyone else take your right to freely accept Him away! Please reach out to us to begin a new life in Him of your own free will as He wants you to do!